
Sexism means attributing certain characteristics to people based on gender perceptions and discriminating against people based on their gender. Sexism prevents people from developing freely. Sexism can affect all people, but today women are still more affected by it – worldwide and also in Switzerland.

The patriarchal system, which divides humans into two genders and orders them hierarchically, is based on sexism. In this system, women are ascribed the subordinate position and men have a privileged, powerful position. Sexism penetrates all areas of society and shows itself in everyday acts such as sexist jokes or humiliations, but also structurally. It is deeply rooted in our society, such as in the business world, politics, media (sexist stereotypes in advertisements), fewer opportunities on the labour market, wage inequality, unequal distribution of unpaid work or under-representation of women in politics and decision-making positions.

In large parts of society, the idea persists that only two sexes exist and that they are different by nature. In the process, masculinity is over-valorised and femininity devalued, which legitimises discrimination against women.

We criticise ideas and images of how a person or a group of people should behave based on their gender, gender identity or sexual orientation. Discrimination is not only experienced by certain individuals, but it is systematic and affects all those who do not fulfil society's preconceptions.

Sexism interacts with other forms of discrimination. Women of colour experience sexism differently than white women, women with disabilities differently than women without disabilities.

What is needed

In order to overcome sexism, real gender equality for all genders and social change is needed.

Sexism must be addressed with concrete measures. For example, large-scale awareness-raising campaigns are needed.

What Brava is doing

Brava demands that Switzerland complies with its international obligations to combat sexism: by ratifying the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) and the Istanbul Convention, Switzerland has committed itself to take measures to end discrimination based on gender. This also includes eradicating stereotypical gender images and roles in the family and in society.

On the issue of sexism Brava focuses on informing the general public and raising awareness through campaigns, social media channels and the media in general.

Brava advocates in its political work that the issue of sexism will be put on the political agenda.

Brava is planning to launch new projects on sexism in Switzerland.