Further education and training
Empowerment workshops with women migrants
The empowerment workshops give women’s groups a space to exchange on women-specific issues and to share information. We organise these workshops with key persons of the communities. The participants decide together what the workshops should be about, with a focus on women’s rights and support offers in Switzerland, as well as how to act in cases of violence and discrimination. Self-empowerment and networking with relevant organisations and support desks in Switzerland are the main goals of the workshops. They are free of charge and are carried out in the mother tongue of the participants.
It is also a good opportunity for networking with other women
Become active!
Are you a woman migrant, well-connected with women from your community and would like to run an empowerment workshop with your women's group? Please contact us: fatma.leblebici@brava-ngo.ch.
Voice from the empowerment workshops
«I participated for the second time. I got a lot of information that I wouldn’t have gotten otherwise. It is important that this offer exists. I would also take part in other workshops. It is also a good opportunity for networking with other women», says one of the participants of the workshops in 2020.

Your contact
Fatma Leblebici
Responsible workshops
031 311 38 79
Further education for asylum and migration professionals
Our trainings enable professionals in the field of asylum and migration to expertly support women affected by violence and to deal with difficult situations. Participants gain knowledge about the issue of violence against women and the root causes of gender inequality. They strengthen their gender competence and analyse their professional role in the respective work context. Using case studies, we develop possible courses of action together and put our knowledge into practice.
The way you convey content is very cool.
Training contents
Information on issues of gender and violence against women
Gender sensitive action in prevention of violence
Practical application
Exchange of experiences
Strategies for certain situations
Voice from the trainings
«The way you convey content is very cool. Personally, I also liked that we talked about certain kinds of violence against women that we experience that are not really normal. That it simply shouldn’t happen. And those are things that we put up with every day», says Jana (25), medical student and participant of a training on violence against women, 2020.
Mandates from
Rotkreuzdienst (SRK): www.rkd.ch
BFB Biel:
Schule für Sozialbegleitung Zürich: www.sozialbegleitung.ch
Asylorganisation Zürich (AOZ): www.stadt-zuerich.ch/aoz/de
Caritas Schweiz