Political work
Brava in politics
With our lobbying work we aim to implement concrete measures to combat violence against women in Switzerland. Brava is a key contact for politicians and official decision-makers. We influence political issues and participate in shaping the political agenda.
Concrete, consistent, constructive - that’s how I experience the cooperation with Brava
Brava networks and cooperates with all actors and organisations that share our goals and is politically independent. Because we are only strong together!
«Concrete, consistent, constructive - that’s how I experience the cooperation with Brava in Parliament. Without them, my work would be much more difficult, because they coordinate the work on violence against women and girls very effectively. And for that I am very grateful», says National Council member, Tamara Funiciello.

Currently, Brava is working on the following demands, among others:
Access to specialized support offers for all persons affected by violence in Switzerland - also for persons without a right to remain.
Safer accommodation and better care for refugee women in asylum structures
Inclusive and non-discriminatory implementation of the Istanbul Convention
Julia Meier
Responsible lobbying & advocacy
Brava and political campaigns
To raise awareness of our issues and our political demands we approach the general public with political campaigns. Our aim is to make visible violence against women, sexism and the precarious situation of refugee women in Switzerland and to put on political pressure.
Nadia Lanfranchi
Responsible politicial campaigns
Brava in networks
Coordination «Network Istanbul Convention»
The Istanbul Convention (The Council of Europe Convention on preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence) has been applying to Switzerland since 2018. Thus, the country is committed to protect all persons affected by violence in Switzerland. Brava initiated and helped build the civil society network Istanbul Convention. Today, Brava plays a central, coordination role in the network and is engaged in ensuring that Switzerland will fully implement the Istanbul Convention.
Contact: Julia Meier, politik@brava-ngo.ch
Brava is participating in networks such as the NGO-Coordination post Beijing Switzerland, which is working towards the implementation of the Convention on Women’s Rights CEDAW. Brava is also working closely with specialised bodies and NGO’s in the areas of violence, migration/asylum, LGBTIQA+ and disabilities. The aim is to work intersectionally on the issue of violence.